Curated By & For Outdoor Enthusiasts
A wide-ranging, vetted, and researched collection of products for outdoor adventurers. Personally curated & updated regularly.
The Great Outdoors From A Nova Scotian Perspective.
The book collection spotlights Canada’s Atlantic Provinces and local authors, with something for long-time bluenosers, and visitors alike. A way to buy local without leaving the couch.
Support HalifaxTrails.ca
Purchases help fund my mission working on HalifaxTrails.ca with my own products, or by a small commission on Amazon.ca and other vendors’ products through their affiliate programs. You can also do your Amazon shopping by bookmarking my Amazon affiliate link as another easy way to support the site.
The photography section is a collection from my years of documenting Nova Scotia’s great outdoors ©Greg Taylor. See my full galleries at Multimedia.HalifaxTrails.ca. and contact me to request a print of any photo.
Thanks for your support!
Happy Trails,
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